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SCBA Privacy Statement 



Data Protection Policy

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) requires any organisation holding personal data to have a Data Protection Policy. This policy for Shropshire County Badminton Association (SCBA) is available to view on the SCBA website ( and can be provided in written format to any member who wishes to see it.


1. Information Held by SCBA

In order to be able to administer the running of the Association the League Secretary (Data Controller for the purposes of the GDPR) will maintain and update a record of club membership.

This will consist of the following information:

Name, Address, Telephone number, Email Address and Date of Birth (This information is obtained from the BE Go Membership System which is available to the SCBA Secretary).


2. Purpose of Information Held

The information held is for the administration of the association. relating to the associations activities and to notify them of meetings, matches, newsletters, club rules, policies, etc. The information may also be passed to other clubs to enable them to contact players to arrange matches and games between them.

Copies of the database may be kept by members on their home computers and holders will take all reasonable precautions to prevent access to the data by third parties. When the database is updated previous copies will be destroyed. If members are contacted by the use of Group emails, the Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) will be used.


3. Implied Consent

Under the GDPR it is not necessary for members to give written consent for the Association to hold this information. Existing and new members will be informed of the association policy on data protection. If they are content with the policy and do not object, there is an assumption of “implied consent”. This is the procedure that SCBA will operate. Association members are entitled to ask that only some (or none) of their personal information is held on the Associations database. In this case it will make it almost impossible for the League Secretary, the Secretary and the Treasurer to check membership, confirm eligibility to enter the league, Teams or competitions and payment of subscriptions. In these circumstances the Association will consider whether the new member can be accepted.


4. Viewing of Information held

Members may ask the League Secretary and County Secretary to show them the personal information held about them.


5. Passing of information to third parties

We do not foresee occasions when the names of Association members will be passed to third parties.

6. Restricted Usage. The information will not be passed on to any marketing companies or be used for any form of profit or gain.


7. Members’ names may appear on the Association website/Facebook pages with/without their photograph after Association competitions or social occasions. “Implied Consent” will cover the above activities


8. Disposal of Information Held When a member ceases to belong to the Association. Their personal information will be deleted from the database.


Aug 2018

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