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Shropshire Masters

Hi and welcome to our Masters pages.

Masters is the term used for the playing population over 40 (35 on the tournament circuit)

Events are organised and categorised into 5 year age groups - over 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 and 75. You are eligible to play in any age group that you have reached. eg, at 50 you are eligible to play within the over 40, 45 and 55 age group. But not eligible to play for an age group you haven't reached yet. So at 50 you can not play in the 55 and over groups.

We organise local events for you to come and play people in your one age groups and these are advertised on our web site - and emailed out to BE Members. If you want more information contact me.

We also enter teams in the Badminton England Inter County Championships, and also the BE Challenge organised over one weekend in January.
07584 568962


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